Миссия, цели и результаты обучения
AUCA Liberal Arts and Sciences department prepares students through its interdisciplinary education approach to be knowledgeable, engaged global citizens who respond creatively and flexibly to the challenges of a diverse and changing world.
- LAS strives to be a cross-disciplinary program by constantly revising its existing concentrations to meet the new challenges of a changing world
- LAS strives to increase synergy between academia and shareholders via inter-disciplinary research, partnerships, internships, and student projects
- LAS strives to prepare a future generation of leaders from different academic backgrounds with inter-disciplinary skills and knowledge
- LAS strives to be committed to the key tenets of the American tradition of liberal arts: academic excellence, academic freedom, creativity, critical thinking, and flexibility
Learning Outcomes
- Communicate, analyze, synthesize, and contextualize ideas in a coherent, logical, and compelling cross-disciplinarily way
- Translate theory into practice by active involvement in significant projects, internships, and civic engagement
- Develop a good understanding of the main concepts and ideas of art, literature, and science
- Cultivate collaborative and soft skills to produce innovative solutions for the new challenges of a changing world