American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Clubs



Student clubs exist to give participants opportunities to develop interests and skills in many different activities. Clubs increase conviviality among students and a sense of pride in AUCA. Participation in club activities can also sharpen a student’s knowledge and experience in a particular area of expertise. Active involvement demonstrates prospective employers’ commitment to extra-curricular responsibilities.

Clubs are recognized and registered through the Student Life Office.  In order to register for a new club, students must get an application form from Student Life Officer and return the completed form with the electronic version. A club can be started by a student, faculty, or staff member. Clubs may request money from the Student Senate budget.

How to Start a New Club?

In order to register for a new club, you need to come and see the Student Life Officer or write an e-mail, requesting an application form for clubs. She/He will send you an application form for clubs. In this form, you need to answer the following questions and send them to the e-mail:

Club's name

  • Club’s Goals;
  • Activities of the club;
  • Projects (if any);
  • The main coordinator/leader? (Name, department, ID, phone number, and email address);
  • Name, departments, phone numbers (optional), and email addresses of the members (should be more than three);
  • How other students can become a member of your club or membership requirements.


Registered Student Clubs may request financial support from the Student Senate budget.


CLUBS 2023-2024


  • Create long-lasting solutions that would improve the social, economic, and ecological aspects for the local community;
  • Organize educational training and mentorship programs;
  • Develop new business models;
  • Create a community of new business leaders;
  • Have a network of the best businessman and leaders of the country.

Contacts: Maratbek kyzy Zharkynai


2. Debate Community Club

The debate club is one of the biggest clubs at AUCA and one of the best debate clubs in Bishkek. 
Our goals are to improve:

  • Critical thinking
  • Public speaking

Contacts: Kanatbekova Kaiyrkul


3. Active Mind Club
  • Brain training Apps and Games
  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing
  • Learn new skills or hobbies
  • Learn some problem solving activities
  • Networking

Contacts: Mohammad Qahim Sadiqi


4. AUCA Production Club

Provide students with the safe space for creating video production content, teach those who are interested in the filmmaking process, document events at the AUCA and create fun content for anyone to watch.

Contacts: Darya Gusmanova


5. Board Games club
  •  We would like to help students socialize, develop their critical thinking and relieve stress through the board games.
  • Our club activities consists of the meetings in which we are going to play different kind of board games. They are diverse in their format and members can develop different social skills.

Contacts: Kyrmanchiev Zhetigen


6. Brunch Club
  • To promote community building in AUCA
  • To promote the wellbeing/mental health of students through various activities such as: stress management painting sessions, re-charge week, outdoor time in nature, yoga and mindfulness workshops, collaboration with other clubs, social event and mixers to facilitate networking and friendship-building.

Contacts: Ainazik Zhanyshbekova


7. Business Club

The goal of our club is to bring students from different majors together to share business ideas, help each other start businesses, and find potential partners or investors. We want to create a friendly and supportive community where everyone can explore entrepreneurship and turn their ideas into real projects.

Contacts: Yousuf Amani


8. Case Club

The goal of our club is to bring students from different majors together to share business ideas, help each other start businesses, and find potential partners or investors. We want to create a friendly and supportive community where everyone can explore entrepreneurship and turn their ideas into real projects.

Contacts: Qirghizbekova Nekkhotun


9. FLEX Volunteering Club
  •  Promote the spirit of volunteerism and support vulnerable communities in Bishkek and suburban areas;
  • Launching an online mentoring program - engaging high school students with AUCA students.

Contacts: Maginur Dzhaparova


10. Discussions with Coffee

Our goal is to improve speaking skills in English, get advanced and vivid vocabulary for presentations, essays and speech, to become more confident in presenting in front of the class

Contacts: Salieva Madina


11. Dungan Culture Club

Visiting national cuisine restaurants, museums, dressmaker master classes, traditional Dungan Weddings and just club gatherings where we will talk about Dungan culture and educate students.

Contacts: Saliya Khurova


12. Films Club AUCA

Develop students cinematic vision, educate them into the world of cinema, gathering together, rest and have fun. Meet each 1-2 weeks to watch the movies, that was voted earlier on Instagram page

Contacts: Elina Kurmanova


13. Basketball Club
  • Give students an opportunity to play Basketball.
  • Improve their skills.
  • Make new friends.
  • Participate in the Basketball tournaments.

Contacts: Askar Dokturbekov


14. Logic and Reason

To become better in questioning everything and to improve oratory skills. Open discussions, topics with questions will be provided by the leader of the club. Note: No discussion about religions and politics.

Contacts: Tuighunov Shervonshoh


15. Japanese Club

Cultural exchange, promotion of cultural understanding of Japan (including traditions, arts, cuisine, today’s Japan, etc.); Community building based on common interests like Japanese language, anime, Japanese music and so on.

Contacts: Takahashi Yumi


16. Literature Club

Members of the club will be reading any books that they like and gather around once a week to discuss their point of views and discussion.

Contacts: Shah Yari


17. Mammonths Footbal Club
  • Improving communication between students.
  • Improving the health of students.
  • Maintaining mental health.
  • Playing soccer once a week.
  • Organization of competition between students

Contacts: Alikhan Tursunbekov


18. Stop Motion Animation

The goals of a Stop Motion Animation Club can vary depending on its members' interests and the resources available. However, here are some common goals that such a club might have:

  • Promote Creativity: Encourage members to express their creativity through the art of stop motion animation.
  • Skill Development: Provide opportunities for members to learn and improve their stop motion animation skills, including techniques like character design, set construction, and camera operation.

Contacts: Fatima Sajjadi


19. Student Mental Health Support Club

Support of students' mental health through workshops and master classes aimed at improving stress management skills. Workshops aimed at improving stress management skills, sessions with information on how to improve productivity and not sacrifice your mental health, outdoor activities and art therapy.

Contacts: Erika Abdraeva



20. The Open Mic

This Club established with a simple yet powerful purpose:
to assemble a vibrant community of students who are eager to share their artistic talents and passions with one another. Whether you're a budding writer with stories to tell, a songbird waiting to grace us with your voice, or someone who finds solace and beauty in poetry, this club welcomes you with open arms. Our primary goal is not just to provide a platform for creative expression but to cultivate a friendly and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Contacts: Sona Fayaz



21. Theatre Mirrors
  • Cultural development of students of AUCA;
  • Building the unique spirit of AUCA;
  • Represent AUCA in big cultural events in Kyrgyzstan and abroad

Contacts: Usupbaeva Aizana



22. Volleyball Club

The main goal is to have practice playing volleyball. The Goals are to improve skill and have experience with professional players and have friendly matches.

Contacts: Oskoeva Zhanet



23. “Unity” Football Club
  • To improve the quality of sport especially «Football» in our university.
  • To find the best players, and help the AUCA football team, in organizing with our players.
  • To build a more sociable atmosphere at our university.

Contacts: Shoguniev Imat



24. Women’s Basketball Team
  • Training for games between universities
  • Health support
  • Exercises
  • Training and running
  • GYM

Contacts: Fatima Erkinova



25. Women in Data Science

As an AUCA student and ambassador for the Women in Data Science (WiDS) program by Stanford University, our mission with the "Women in Data Science" club is nothing short of transformative. We aim to bridge the gender gap that currently exists in the dynamic field of data science. Our unwavering commitment is to inspire and empower AUCA's talented female students to embark on extraordinary journeys within the data-related domains.

Contacts: Sophia Siddiqi



26. AIESEC Club

Our club provides students with practical leadership development experiences, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteering experiences.

  • Enabling young people to develop their leadership through learning from practical experiences in challenging environment.
  • Facilitating cross cultural exchanges and creating these opportunities.
  • Placing our confidence in youth as the key to unlock a better future.

Contacts: Piridinov Nurbolot



27. Green Club

We are thrilled to introduce the Green Club, a vibrant community of eco-enthusiasts dedicated to enhancing ecological sustainability both within and beyond the AUCA campus. Our mission is to foster positive change in our environment while advocating for a sustainable future.

Contacts: Kadyrova Perizat

Instagram: auca_green_club



28. AUCA Charity Club

The goal of our club, to foster a philanthropic spirit around students. To participate in various charity events, helping all those who need it. To create an environment for all students through different activities and foster unity among them regardless of their cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

Contacts: Amanda Kadyrbekova



29. Football Club

Club’s Goals: Player development, Community Engagement, Long-Term Sustainability, Inclusivity and Diversity. Playing football and develop players skills inside AUCA.

Contacts: Ahmad Abed Khaliqi



30. AUCA GO Club

Our Club aims to foster a vibrant community of Go enthusiasts within the university. Our primary goal is to promote the game of Go, also known as Baduk, among students and create a space where members can learn, practice, and enjoy the strategic complexities of the game. We intend to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and social interactions though the ancient art of Go.

Contacts: Ishenbek Kanaiym



31. Activist-Researchers Club

To create academic environment that will help students of social sciences to focus on a certain social problem or phenomena and orient their research (that can lead up to their diploma) earlier than the time of seniors. I feel the lack of enthusiastic academic vibe among students and that is why wanted to create it myself by gathering students who are interested in starting to frame their research. And so as to not get lost in academic abstraction, the club will keep students grounded through the activities below.

Contacts: Kubatova Sezimai



32. AUCA Cinema

Bring students together with a warm atmosphere, to diversify the social life of AUCA. Watching the movies, follow the interesting program which is (dancing, singing).

Contacts: Alima Osueva


33. Rock Club

Our goal is – discuss recent or favorite music and bands. Watching music videos, interviews, reading song’s lyrics and discussing the rock music and its impact on our life and society

Contacts: Samira Alieva




AUCA doesn’t open students’ clubs, YOU do it!

AUCA just supports them!

If you want to open a new club in AUCA, you are very welcome to do that! We support all ideas and interests that can develop AUCA student society.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
AUCA Contacts